Since Huntingdonshire District Council made the decision to introduce a garden waste subscription service this month, there have been lots of questions about how it all works.

Previously, green garden bins were free in the district. However on April 1 2024, a new fortnightly garden waste subscription service began.

83 per cent of households in Huntingdonshire are eligible for the service, and of that, 53.4 per cent of households have signed up for it.

The cost per year is £57.50 for one garden waste bin, and £30 per additional bin, with a maximum of three additional bins.

The new scheme has been in place for around two weeks now, but some residents are having problems with bin collections and the arrival of the new stickers.

Here is everything you need to know about the new subscription service.

How can I sign up for the service/get my bin removed?

Not everyone has signed up for the new service, which means that some green bins will now be out of use.

If you want to get rid of your bin, you can visit the Huntingdonshire District Council website and look at the garden waste subscription service page.

There, you'll find a link to a form to fill out. On the form, you can state whether you want to subscribe to the service or have your bin removed.

Click here to access the online form.

A spokesperson for Huntingdonshire District Council said: "Anyone with a current garden bin who doesn't want to subscribe to the service will keep their bin until July 2024.

"This is because we want to minimise the impact on residents and the situation where we collect unwanted bins and then re-issue them if people change their minds."

When will I get the sticker?

It takes around two weeks for the subscription to be processed by Huntingdonshire District Council.

They then need to add you to their systems and routes and send out the sticker.

The collection vehicles have ‘in-cab’ technology to see which households have subscribed to the service.

Stickers for additional bins will be delivered after the bins have arrived.

A new sticker will be issued each year upon successful payment of the subscription.

What do I do with my food waste now it can't go in the garden bin?

By law, Huntingdonshire District Council cannot charge for the collection of food waste, which means that it cannot go in the green bins anymore.

The council are encouraging people to compost food waste, put it in the grey refuse bin, or look at the Love Food Hate Waste website.

What can I do with my garden waste if I don't subscribe to the new service?

Huntingdonshire District Council is referring people to their Garden Waste Initiatives page on their website for alternatives to using the service.

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