The Wellworth Players are carrying on their long tradition of performing a Pantomime in the February half term break and this year it is the turn of The Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Even if they do not know the origin of the story, everybody knows the tale of the town of Hamelin’s plague of rats and the mayor’s reluctant offer of 1000 guilders as a reward to anyone who can get rid of them. As if by magic the Pied Piper appears and successfully destroys the rats. The mayor’s refusal to give him the reward and the subsequent events are a dire warning to anyone who goes back on his word.

If you want to know how the Pied Piper gets his revenge and what happens afterwards, you will have to come to Needingworth Village Hall to find out. With an original script, written and directed by Marie Quick, the pantomime version follows the

Browning story up to a point. However, with plenty of jokes, comedy, slapstick, songs, and traditional pantomime characters and, of course, a happy ending for (almost) all, the show should appeal to young and old alike.

INFO: The pantomime is being performed in Needingworth Village Hall at 7.30pm on February 18/19/20. There will also be a matinée on Saturday at 2.30 pm. Tickets are £6 each and available from The Queen’s Head, Needingworth, Whateley’s Newsagents in Constable Road, St Ives or Chatters café in Needingworth. You can also call 07527 421535 to reserve tickets.

INFO: visit, or Twitter @WellworthPlayer.