St Ives Swimming Club hosted a dynamic round three of the Junior Fenland League on home territory at the One Leisure pool in St Ives.

The home athletes neither disappointed nor detracted from their focus of aiming for pole position at the end of this challenging event.

Swimmers were pitted against their competitors: who were March Marlins, Huntingdon Piranha's and Bottisham Swimming Club on the summer Saturday evening.

Fast, furious, frenetic and fabulous aquatic frenzy ensued as all competitors gave their all to be the best amongst their peers.

After a stunning evening of junior competition, the host club had gained a plethora of first placings, 23 in all from 45 events, which equates to a more than 50 per cent win rate, including the much-coveted first placing in the final 8 x 50 metre freestyle relay.

St Ives won by almost four seconds). They also achieved 12 silver placings and their sublime efforts earned them the top spot at the close of play.

St Ives were 20 points ahead of the second place club March Marlins.

On the day, all teams were supported exceptionally by One Leisure staff, helpers, volunteers, coaches and a packed balcony of parents urging their athletes onwards.

The final scores were:

St Ives SC: 145 Points

March Marlins SC: 125 Points

Huntingdon Piranhas: 108 Points

Bottisham: 63 Points

All the visiting athletes represented their clubs magnificently with exceptional sportsmanship throughout the evening, excellent ambassadors all.

The St Ives winning squad:

Miles Cannon, Soufian Abdelrazek, Amelie Coulston, Finley Terry, Flo Taylor, Tate Taylor, Edie Lewis, Luca Jones, Orla Setchell, Ross Burdett, Prachi Ghori, Andi Dobson, Annabelle Margot, Elizabeth Ballester, Jack Ballester, Lottie Johnson and Layla Burdett.