COULD this be a ghostly figure entering the waterfall or simply a moment captured in time as the water danced over the rocks?

COULD this be a ghostly figure entering the waterfall or simply a moment captured in time as the water danced over the rocks?

The photograph was sent in by Hunts Post reader Sue Barringer, of Ramsey, following an article in last week’s edition about ghost hunters and their search for the paranormal in Huntingdon Town Hall.

The Huntingdon encounter, which was part of a charity fundraiser, produced a blob of light on a photograph which was said to be a sign of an early manifestation of a ghost.

This picture seems to show a man entering a waterfall in Yorkshire.

Mrs Barringer wrote: “My husband and I were on holiday in the Yorkshire Dales earlier this summer and were enjoying a lovely walk around Ingleton Falls.

“The walk was about four-and-a-half miles around and there were about eight waterfalls in total. We thoroughly enjoyed the walk and all the different falls too, taking pictures of each one.

“We didn’t encounter anything spooky until we arrived home and put the pictures on our computer. Whilst playing them through on a slide show we both looked at each other and said ‘did you see that in the picture!’

“We actually sat beside the fall for a while and never noticed a thing!”