During the last 12 months the coronavirus pandemic has altered every aspect of our lives. Our work, home and social routines have changed dramatically and our freedoms have been curtailed beyond anything we could have ever imagined.

Many people have suffered loss and many others have experienced mental health problems, due to the anxiety of the unknown or through loss of income or simply struggling to cope with the day to day reality of the lockdown, home schooling and uncertainty about the future.

With that in mind, we have created this survey to find out what you think and what you experiences have been. Please let us know what you think.

We have all lived through three national lockdowns – as well as more localised restrictions in between –and sat glued to the televised ministerial broadcasts to find out when we can see our friends, go to the pub, have our hair cut and all the other myriad of things we took for granted a year ago.

And in recent weeks, we have all been offered long-term hope through the vaccination programme.

We want to know how the pandemic has affected our readers and your outlook on life.

With that in mind, we have created this survey. Please let us know what you think.