A haul of 26 petrol powered tools, including chainsaws, were deemed unsafe and destroyed after being discovered for sale by Trading Standards officials.

And Cambridgeshire County Council Trading Standards department is warning shoppers not to be tempted by counterfeit goods in light of the seizure.

The items were found in a vehicle stopped in Cambridgeshire by police, who then worked with Trading Standards to have the tools examined.

Both organisations are urging people to buy from reputable places and avoid purchasing from people calling door-to-door or temporary sites that may be unreliable or disappear such as at markets or online.

The haul, included petrol powered chainsaws, generators and pressure washers and none of the tools had the necessary certification which proves their safety.

Emma Butterfield, for Cambridgeshire County Council Trading Standards, said: “Chainsaws need to be used with care at the best of times. It is frightening to think that someone may be using one that is unsafe or could break in their hands. All of the machinery that we seized should have had the proper safety certificates.

“We are keen to remind consumers of the dangers of buying cheap machinery from unreputable sources. There are strict laws in place to ensure that machinery place on the market in the EU is safe.

“We would also like to thank our colleagues in Cambridgeshire Constabulary who we work closely with to help prevent fake and dangerous items being sold.”