'I had better log on now and get a head start' - how many of you have said this recently whilst working from home and then find you’re still working past the time you’re meant to?

With the amount of people working from home, as a consequence of the pandemic, I decided to do some research.

We are finally having the opportunity to live life in a different way and for many this includes taking time to do the things to increase happiness and contentment. Whether that’s going for a walk at lunchtime, speaking to a loved one, spending time meditating or reading without distraction.

On the flipside, there are many people who are feeling like they are being stretched with an increase in working hours, as well as feeling they have to be available to their boss at all times. Of course, this has a knock on effect on stress.

Genuinely, I don’t see working from home going anywhere any time soon, so we’ve got to find ways to get the best out of ourselves. Yes, for our work-life but importantly our personal life. Having positive headspace reflects in what we do day-to-day. It’s a win-win.

Looking into this prompted me to question how we can make the best of working from home and one way is to think about culture.

By this I mean, what is the culture like in your ‘home office’, wherever that may be. Do you like going into the office? Does it give you a good feeling? Are you productive?

Have a think about what gives you a boost and check in to see whether this is happening in your work space.

So, for me, I have my affirmation board above my desk which reminds me of my capabilities. I have a plant, keep my desk tidy, have my headphones on a hook so I can easily grab them to listen to music and I have a specific space for my drink/s. I also have reminders to step away from my desk, even just for a minute.

This is enough for me to create a culture at work that gets the best out of me as often as possible. A small shift can make a big difference.

This is specific to you and I encourage you to have a think about it.

Contact Scott Hardiman from Further Coaching at: www.further-coaching.com

Tel: 07773 674125 or email: info@further-coaching.com