Transport links and lack of local resources are concerns from readers after it was revealed that a new garden village of 10,000 homes could be built in St Neots.

The Dennybrook Garden Village will sit within Bedfordshire, but in reality, it is located just one kilometre from the St Neots border and 3km from the town centre.

St Neots Town Council (SNTC) has already raised fears that there could be a drain on struggling services in the town.

We asked readers in our weekly Facebook poll what they thought about the proposed build – a selection of comments feature below.

Paul Thomson-Clark: “Some thought as to how we're going to support the increase in population wouldn't go amiss. Transport links are not what they should be for a town the size of St Neots.”

Ross Hovey: “More accessible housing is needed. There is a growing shortage of accessible homes in the UK. Our geographic location is a good spot of disabled and impaired with our road and rail links (London). Addenbrookes is close by with Papworth too.”

Adam Paine: “It's shocking. We don't have the infrastructure and resources here to handle an additional 10,000 homes as well as Wintringham!

Doug Terry: “When I moved here in 1972 the population was half what it is now with a lot of well-paid factory jobs the High Street was full of shops mostly independent traders.

“Over the last nearly 50 years the population has doubled the number of well paid jobs halved along with the shops. In order for a town to grow it need more than just houses.”

Jamie Bonnyman: “I think the main problem with this latest one is that it’s in Bedfordshire so our council doesn’t get any money from the council tax, we’ll have a massive drain on our resources and a huge increase in traffic on our roads without any financial support.”

Kellie Bruce: “How about bringing some more work places to St Neots first, and actual shops so people don't have to drive to other towns or city's if new homes are built.”

Mave Yaxley: “These are being built in Bedfordshire, who will get the finance from them. Because of the location, the people will use the facilities in St Neots, which are already overloaded. We don't want these houses on our doorstep.”