The kids just love Hallowe'en, don’t they? Dressing up in creepy clothing, trick or treating around the neighbourhood for all the best sweets and, of course, some intricate pumpkin carving.

One issue that we face every year is, what to do with the pumpkin afterwards? While some choose to throw their thoughtfully designed pumpkins in the bin, it’s been known that others take them out to be consumed by a hungry badger or two. But, how about we lessen the waste and use them to cook at home?

The internet is filled with inspired recipes, so you can enjoy your pumpkins after Hallowe'en night. Here are some ideas we thought you might like:

Pumpkin and Chilli Soup

Autumn and winter are the perfect seasons for a warm and comforting bowl of soup. Blitz the pumpkin into a smooth creamy blend. Add salt, garlic, chili and vegetable stock. And you’ve got yourself a cosy night in.

Japanese Pumpkin Croquettes

Steam then mash some diced pumpkin. Add fried onions, garlic and salt then mould them into shape and refrigerate for at least one hour. Coat them in plain flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs then fry in hot sunflower oil until golden brown. Serve with a spicy sweet chili dip. This can be served as a snack by themselves or with a little side salad.

Pumpkin Pie

Boil the pumpkin until soft then leave to cool. Roll out sweet shortcrust pastry into a pie tin and bake until lightly brown and biscuity. To the mashed pumpkin, add sugar, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, milk and eggs. Add this mixture to the pastry tin and bake until the filling has just set. Leave to cool, then dust with more cinnamon and icing sugar. This dish is traditionally American, served during Thanksgiving. But it can be rather addictive no matter what side of the pond you’re on.

There is a variety of ideas to choose from and I’m sure some recipes are yet to be discovered. But what is important, is that we find a way to waste less this time of year. So, grab your pumpkins and let’s get imaginative. In the meantime, have a Happy Halloween and try not to eat too many sweets!