Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat (Fortune Favours the Bold) is a motto favoured by many of our brave members of the military, and it also appears on a number of coat of arms.

Latin being as it is, ‘bold’ can be replaced with 'brave' or 'strong', within the translation. The phrase was coined by the Roman poet Virgil around 19BC, but more recently tattooed across the back of Keanu Reeves in the film John Wick. So, what does this have to do with my world of financial planning?

Quite simply it's part of the larger picture of my helping clients decide what is important to them and what it is they really want.

Most of the UK adult population drift through life doing an okay job, then retire and enjoy an okay life. And that’s fine. This is the backbone of the society and in the same way most people can’t be a footballer or singer, most people can’t be a senior manager or entrepreneur.

But, and I think it’s a big BUT, far more people, can have far more than they have, or are expected to get, by being bold.

Babies are not born able to walk and they certainly fall down a lot before succeeding, so why limit our potential. Often, it's subconsciously, because we don’t really want to think about what’s possible or we fear failure.

Most people will take nothing from this article and that’s fine, but if I can make one person think about expanding their potential, I will feel pleased, and if that person wants to speak to me, great.

Being bold in this case relates more to seeking advice rather than continuing as you are. It’s not easy for many to seek the services of a highly qualified financial planner for fear of showing ignorance or naivety. The reality is a financial planner has a huge amount of experience in working with people who feel like this.

So, whether you want to think big or put a proper plan together for your finances, if you haven’t already done it, then speak to us or someone you trust who can help.