The latest Ofsted report for Brampton Village Primary School has rated the school as ‘good’.

Following an inspection in January, the report found “the school has grown, and continues to do so” and that staff had worked “quickly and effectively” to meet the needs of the pupils.

Written by inspector Tracey Fielding, the results also showed that leaders had created a “culture of high expectations” for everyone at the school, and that, as a direct result, pupils and staff aimed to do their best.

Addressed to head teacher, Peter Allen, the report said: “You have maintained an ethos of care and commitment throughout the school.

“Your arrival in September 2015, and the restructuring of the leadership team, has ensured that professional development links very closely to any training needs that you identify in your monitoring.

“Staff are very positive about the quality of the guidance and support they receive, and the relentless focus that you have on achieving the best outcomes for the pupils.”

Ms Fielding also said parents were “very positive” about the school’s work, that children enjoyed attending, and that changes, where necessary, were starting to be made.

She added: “Results in the 2016 phonics screening checks show that the numbers of pupils who were expected to meet age-related expectations are just below the national expectation.

“You have already made changes that have contributed towards strengthening the teaching of phonics. Current pupils are making good progress in phonics. The most able readers read with confidence, fluency and understanding, while the younger children use their phonics knowledge well to help them read unfamiliar words.”

Changes have also been made to helping support disadvantaged pupils, as well as recognising the need for a “more strategic plan” to help students make more rapid progress.

Mr Allen said: “We are delighted that Ofsted recognised the many strengths of our school.

“As a school community we work together and the support of staff, governors and parents helps us to provide the best education we can. As the school continues to grow we shall look to build upon our many successes.”