FOR some writing a book can take a lifetime but one Huntingdon author has produced her first novel and is currently working on her second and third .... and she is only 15.

As well as juggling school-work, looking after her horse and performing in a dance club Hinchingbrooke School student Kathryn Cockrill still finds time to write.

And this summer, she produced her first novel entitled Eternally Soulless. A fantasy romance adventure the 255-page novel follows servant-girl Brownwyn as she struggles to win the affections of her master Connell and fend off the advances of immortal Obsidian.

Though inspired by best-selling teen saga Twilight, Kathryn is keen for her work not to be lumped into the category of vampire fiction.

“They are not vampires. I created my own supernatural beings. It is set in 1810 and it starts off with a girl getting her soul stolen.

“She then steals another person’s soul. He and his servant have to try and get his soul back, but his servant is in love with him. To save him, she agrees to become immortal.”

Kathryn worked on the book for a year - writing in the evenings and at weekends, and throughout the summer holidays. After drawing a blank with publishers, she opted to self-publish her novel, which is now on sale for �7.99.

“I just sent it to everyone I could find. Then my dad’s friend recommended a self-publishing website. They give you all the support a publisher would do.

“The book is for teenagers and young adults, but my mum read it and she liked it.”

Kathryn’s sights are now set on becoming an author, and the teenager is already working on sequels Eternally Alone and Eternally Outcast.

Dad Kevin said: “I was really proud and impressed with her for having the gumption to go ahead and do it. She did spend quite a lot of time actually writing the book.

“She has certainly always been an avid reader, and she seemed to have a talent for writing poems and stories. Writing a book - that came out of nowhere. It is a fantastic achievement.”