HINCHINGBROOKE Maternity Unit is to hold its first ever open day.

Members of the public will be able to look around the department on Saturday, October 6 to give them an opportunity to ask questions of the midwifery team and understand what maternity services the hospital has to offer.

“In addition, the unit’s midwife and management team will be on hand to chat through the benefits of choosing Hinchingbrooke for birth,” Suzanne Hamilton, consultant obstetrician in the Labour Ward Team at Hinchingbrooke Hospital said.

“Throughout the course of the day there will be opportunities to take tours of the Hinchingbrooke maternity unit including the midwife-led birthing unit - the Primrose Suite.”

She added: “We are hoping to raise the local awareness of the unit and what we have to offer. Many people don’t seem to realise that Hinchingbrooke has a maternity service and special care facilities.”

The Maternity Unit has delivered more than 70,000 babies since its opening in 1983, with more than 2,650 babies delivered there in the past year,

Organisers say the event will be well signposted from the main hospital entrance but that those wishing to park close to the event should leave their vehicles in car park 4.