Every year thousands of people across the UK die from conditions linked to exposure to freezing temperatures. Darker nights and cold weather can lead to depression and loneliness, falls, respiratory infections and other health risks.

When we get cold it affects our body's ability to fight off infection and our blood thickens, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. But there’s downsides to staying indoors.

Lack of exercise makes us more susceptible to viruses like flu, COVID-19 and norovirus. While vaccines have lowered the risk, COVID-19 and flu are still very much in circulation, so it’s important to protect yourself with the vaccines.

Be prepared for winter and the issues it sometimes brings…


Wear a few layers of thin clothing rather than one thick layer.

Try and heat rooms to at least 18°C. If you can’t, heat the living room in the day and your bedroom before you go to sleep. Keep bedroom windows shut at night.

Draw curtains at dusk, tucking them behind radiators, ensuring they’re not obstructed by furniture.


Check on older neighbours or relatives, especially those living alone or those with a serious illness.

Ask if they need food, medicine, emergency supplies, can keep warm or if they’re feeling under the weather.

Clear icy pavements for them as they can be very slippery.


Get your COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. If you’re eligible it means you’re more at risk - nhs.uk/wintervaccinations

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds.

Stay home if unwell. Catch sneezes and coughs in tissues, bin it and wash your hands.

Stay active, this helps your physical and mental health but wear shoes with a good grip to prevent falls.

Try not to sit for more than an hour, get up and walk around.

Food is a vital source of energy and helps to keep your body warm. Aim to include five daily portions of fruit and vegetables. Tinned and frozen count.

Reach out for mental health support if you’re not feeling yourself - cpslmind.org.uk

Hot drinks will help you stay warm. Cut back on alcohol.


Stock up on tinned and frozen foods, warm clothes, torch, batteries, power packs and essential medication.

Draught proof windows and doors and insulate your loft, cavity walls, hot water cylinder and pipes.

In the event of a power cut call 105 they’ll be able to tell you what caused the outage and when power will be restored.

Power and utility companies have schemes which make at-risk groups a priority for reconnection following power cuts - ofgem.gov.uk


If you are struggling to heat your home or feed your family, direct financial support may be available - google search CCC HSF

To find your local winter support hub visit cambridgeshire.gov.uk/support-with-the-cost-of-living

Energy efficiency and bills support call 0800 444202 visit simpleenergyadvice.org.uk