Huntingdon is breaking tradition with its annual Pancake Day flipathon this year by holding it on a Thursday instead of Shrove Tuesday.

The change is taking place because Shrove Tuesday falls during the half-term week and a move to Thursday, February 8, means more schoolchildren will be able to take part.

Entrants are being sought for the event which takes place in Market Hill and is no longer a race, with participants being judged for style, rather than speed.

It includes the Chain Gang flipathon, featuring mayors from local towns, and the return of a team of guide dog puppies and their trainers.

The event involves laps of the market square and is open to all-comers, including teams of four for the retail relay.

Winners will receive medals and there will be a small chocolate egg for everyone who takes part.

To take part contact Hayley Burns at the town hall on 01480 410380 or at and entries have to be in by February 2.