THE county council is set to approve a 50 mile per hour limit on a country road despite neighbouring safety committees arguing over whether it is necessary.

Fenland councillors argued that imposing the 50mph on the B1095 Milk and Water Drove (Pondersbridge to the county boundary) was a waste of money.

However Huntingdonshire councillors disagreed and believe the limit is needed- a view shared by the county council.

Richard Preston, interim head of local infrastructure and streets management, will recommend to Cabinet on Tuesday that the speed limit goes ahead.

“The proposal supports corporate priorities by maintaining safer access to local communities,” he says.

“The B1095 provides a key economic link from the Ramsey area to Peterborough and Whittlesey and improving the operation of the route through reduced vehicles speeds and accidents will support the local economy priority.”

He said a review of speed limits looked at accident rate, recorded mean speeds, pedestrian and cycling activity and concluded that a 50 mph limit should be applied.

Peterborough City Council has also imposed a 50 mph on a short stretch of the B1095 which it controls.

Fenland county councillors Martin Curtis and Ralph Butcher both opposed the 50 mph claiming the proposal “would not be the best use of resource and practically impossible to police.”

The Fenland Area Joint Committee suggested that instead Cabinet endorse an advisory speed limit for the sharp bends on the B1095 “if the safety record warranted it.”

However Huntingdonshire Area Joint Committee and Farcet Parish Council supported the proposals as did four residents and “on balance” Mr Preston argues it should go ahead.

The council says the changes will cost �5,000.