St Ives could get a new tourist office, mobility centre or guide hut – just some of the suggestions to bring the Octagon building back into use.

The former cattle market building, next to the bus station, has been offered to St Ives Town Council by Huntingdonshire District Council.

The Octagon, which would be offered without rent for a year before looking at transferring the freehold, could also be used as a grounds maintenance depot instead of building a new one at Hill Rise, which the town council has a £70,000 loan for.

Councillors heard that it would cost around £40,000 to repair the Octagon.

It was suggested that, as it’s close to the main town centre car park and adjacent to the bus station, it could become a tourist information or visitor centre, mobility centre or guide hut.

Pat Allan, chairman of St Ives Civic Society, said the society would support a use that would retain one of the town’s heritage buildings.

The town council agreed to ask the town team to investigate a potential use. The council will also proceed with its plan for the Hill Rise building.

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