Our Club of the Week is the Huntingdonshire Women's Bowling Federation.

What do you do?

Organise indoor and outdoor bowling competitions for the county's 16 clubs. We have finalists representing the county in National Federation finals. There are 13 counties in the Federation.

Hunts won the Donald Steward (first team) national final in 2022 for the first time in their diamond jubilee year.

Where do you meet?

We have no home ground, as such, but are offered greens for playing outdoors by a county club, and finals for the indoor games are played at Huntingdon Indoor Bowls Club.

How often do you meet?

The HWBF has an executive which meets approximately six times each year. There are two delegate meetings where each club can send two representatives and an AGM where each club has two votes to act on any proposal the executive submit and put forward.

Are you looking for new people to join the club?

Clubs are always looking to increase their membership which gives the county more players for competitions and county teams.

Do new people need any experience?

Yes, county play is not for beginners but clubs do provide new members with coaching.

Are there any joining fees or membership costs?

Clubs have membership fees and a fee for every game a member plays in a league match. Players pay to enter county competitions  and a fee for playing a county game.

Do people need any special equipment?

Bowls, bowls shoes and each club and the county has a dress code for shirts, trousers and shorts.

How can people contact you?

Online at: huntsbowlingfederation.blogspot.com with a link directly to our Facebook page.

INFO: Would you like your club to feature as our Club of the Week. Contact debbie.davies@newsquest.co.uk for details and a form.