Check out down below at the planning applications that were validated by Huntingdonshire District Council from the week of March 4.

Monday, March 4

Discharge of Conditions C3 (Historic Timberwork), C4 (Windows), C5 (Doors), C6 (Privacy screen to staircase), C7 (Obscure glazing to windows), C9 (Cycle store), C10 (Bins), C13 (Biodiversity Method Statement) and C14 (Parking and turning) of 21/02201/FUL - 65 High Street, Ramsey, Huntingdon, PE26 1AB - 24/80050/COND

Yew (Y1) - remove to ground level - 1 Mill Lane, Water Newton, Peterborough, PE8 6LY - 24/00388/TRCA

Erection of single storey rear extension - 8 Park Road, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4RN - 24/00401/HHFUL

008/93 Ash tree - reduce the tree by approx 3m back to previous pollard point - 8 Townsend Way, Folksworth, Peterborough, PE7 3TU - 24/00408/TREE

Crab Apple Tree - Prune by 1m and remove cross overs - 11 Park Road, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4RL - 24/00411/TRCA

To pollard 4 lime trees back to previous pollard point which removes approx 6ft of new growth - 8-10 Church Street, Needingworth - 24/00403/TREE

Erection of single storey front extension and conversion of attached garage structure with replacement roof and associated works - 53 Desborough Road, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE29 1SN - 24/00402/HHFUL

Two Scott's pines to be removed and replaced by two trees giving better habitation to wildlife - 37 Biggin Lane, Ramsey, Huntingdon, PE26 1NB - 24/00405/TRCA

Proposed single storey front and rear/side extensions, first floor extension and external alterations - 10 Dovehouse Close, St Neots, PE19 1DS - 24/00392/HHFUL

Lawful development certificate existing for continued use of site as plant hire and sales yard - Land Adjacent New Farm, Buckworth Road, Alconbury Weston - 24/00386/CLED

Proposed single storey rear extension and two storey side extension - 17 Woodlands, St Neots, PE19 1UE - 24/00400/HHFUL

Tuesday, March 5

T1 - Sycamore - Trim 2 to 3 metres of the branches. T2 - Cherry - to clear up to 2 metres of the upper branches. T3 - Field Maple - Raise canopy and remove up to 2 metres of the upper branches. G1 - Leylandi Hedge - Cut back the foliage on the road side by 1 metre on the upper branches and reduce height by 2 metres. G2 - Miscellaneous Vegetation - Cut Back vegetation by 2 metres T4 and T5 - Cut back overhanging branches by 2 metres - The Green, School Lane, Bythorn - 24/00355/TRCA

Lime tree - re-pollarding with a 6m reduction to previous pollard point - 92 The Malting, Ramsey, Huntingdon, PE26 1LZ - 24/00383/TRCA

Beech - reduction by approx 2.5m to clear phone lines 2 x Conifers - 2m reduction 1 x Beech - 4m crown raise - Play Area, Adam Lyons Recreation Field, Church Road, Warboys - 24/00407/TRCA

TO23 (T2 on TPO map) - Oak - Crown reduce by 30% back to viable growth points. T042 (Within W1 on TPO map) Silver birch - Crown reduce by 30% back to viable growth points. Cavity from historical limb lost at approx 3m on north side which extends in to the main stem. Reduction to remove mechanical stress and reduce risk of failure - Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Hinchingbrooke Park, Hinchingbrooke park Road, Huntingdon, PE29 6NP - 24/00415/TREE

Discharge of Condition 53 (Foul Water Drainage) of 20/02613/FUL - Land East and West of Edison Bell Way, Huntingdon - 24/80087/COND

Discharge of condition 4 (Contamination) of 23/01049/P3JPA - Bleakly Farm, London Road, Godmanchester - 24/80086/COND

Erection of a front porch, a first floor side extension, external changes and erection of pergola to rear. Demolition of rear outbuilding and erection of new outbuilding - Amended Scheme from Application 23/02184/HHFUL - 2 Manor Road, Folksworth, Peterborough, PE7 3SU - 24/00265/HHFUL

Wednesday, March 6

Non-material amendment of 20/02613/FUL to make fenestration and floorplan changes to the approved dwellings - Land East and West of Edison Bell Way, Huntingdon - 24/00333/NMA

Willow - overhanging river and dangerous to boats - cut back in height by 6m Silver Birch - overhanging river and dangerous - cut back in height by 6m - 13 Ouse Valley Way, Mill Road, Buckden, St Neots, PE19 5QS - 24/00393/TREE

Sycamore - dead - removal for safety reasons - 28 High Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3TH - 24/00420/TRCA

Fell the large Conifer tree in our back garden marked on sketch and by red arrow on drone photo. This has been allowed to grow aprox. 6m by the previous owner. The tree centre is only about 600mm from a boundary and the roots have caused damage to our fence which is now leaning towards neighbours property. Fence needs replacing because of this but roots would cause the same issue in the near future. The roots are now also spreading across large parts of our garden, under a patio area and into a veg patch. Neighbour has complained about it blocking out late afternoon sun in the summer and also nothing will grow on their side near this as the roots are taking all the moisture from the ground and no sun is coming through - 19A The Thorpe, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon, PE28 9DA - 24/00430/TRCA

Fell 1no. Cherry. Fell 1no. Whitebeam. Fell 1no. Birch. Prune 50no. Lime. Full description and reasons given in aboricultural report (relevant trees highlighted in tree survey schedule) - Longsands College, Longsands Road, St Neots, PE19 1LQ - 24/00422/TREE

Thursday, March 7

T1 Apple Tree - Fell to ground level and grind stump. Reasons - Ivy covered apple tree with multiple fungal brackets. The tree is too large for the area and is taking all the light out of the property. It's also pressing against the neighbours outbuilding and growing over the customers garage. The tree is in decline and should be removed and stump ground - 33 East Street, St Neots, PE19 1JU - 24/00432/TRCA

T1 - Very large Ash - Re pollard back to original points approximately 3-4m off the height and spread. (not beyond previous points) - 11 Capulet Close, Eaton Socon, St Neots, PE19 8UQ - 24/00438/TREE

Discharge of Conditions 3 (Materials), 5 (Arboricultural Method Statement) and 6 (Programme Monitoring) for 23/00252/HHFUL - Upwood Manor, Upwood House And Ailwyn House, High Street, Upwood - 24/80088/COND

Friday, March 8

Proposed single storey extensions to the side linking with and converting existing detached garage to habitable space - 2 Innkeeper Way, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, PE29 2FB - 24/00443/HHFUL