A house in Brampton is due to be converted into a specialist care home for young people.

Huntingdonshire District Council has given the green light for a house in Park Lane to be turned into a home for five young adults aged between 16 and 18 years old.

The company that submitted the application, Everliving Services Ltd, said it works with Cambridgeshire County Council to purchase contracts to provide support for adults with mental health disorders within supported living accommodation.

The proposals said there will be staff at the home 24 hours a day to support the young people living there.

No changes to the outside of the building are proposed as part of the conversion.

Inside of the house the only change planned is to reclassify the dining room as an accessible bedroom.

A number of objections to the conversion were raised by members of the public.

Concerns were shared about the potential for anti-social behaviour, and questions were raised as to whether the location of the house would be suitable for the young people.

However, in a report published by the district council, planning officers said many of these concerns were not relevant to planning, and therefore said they should not be given any weight when determining the application.

The report said that five children would be living at the care home and added it was not considered that the noise impacts would be significantly different from any noise arising from it being used as a standard home.

Officers also said there was no information within the application to suggest the home would not have the capacity to enable a high quality of life for the children.

The report said: “[The] accommodation will help to meet a range of needs arising from age related needs and would provide an improved quality of life for potential residents through purpose-built accommodation and provision of specialist care appropriate to their needs.”