More than 90 suspected drink or drug drivers were arrested last month as Cambridgeshire Constabulary cracked down on those driving under the influence.

Calls to the force’s dedicated hotline also more than doubled during the campaign, which warned of the dangers of drink or drug driving.

A total of 91 drink and drug driving related arrests were made, compared to 83 in December 2022, a nine per cent increase. At least 48 of those people have been charged and so far, seven have lost their licences.

PC Nick Southern, casualty reduction officer, said: “Our officers can’t be everywhere but they could be anywhere, so please don’t gamble with your life or your future by driving under the influence.

“I hope our campaign has made drivers think twice about getting behind the wheel while under the influence, and highlighted how long alcohol can remain in your system.

“Even a small amount of alcohol can affect your driving ability. If you’re drinking, even if you have just one, arrange another way of getting home.”

Officers and Specials carried out morning-after roadside checks, stopping hundreds of drivers, including 336 in a single day.

Calls to the dedicated, confidential hotline to report suspected drink and drug drivers more than doubled, with 13 calls in December compared to six calls in November. There was a total of 98 calls to the hotline in 2023. 

The hotline - 0800 032 0845 - is available 24/7. If someone is in immediate danger, always call 999.

PC Southern added: “It’s so positive to see calls to our confidential hotline more than doubled last month, and thanks must go to all who have helped us make the county’s roads safer for everyone. One call really could make all the difference.

“Our hotline is open all year round, not just for Christmas. Calls can be made throughout the year and at any time of day or night, so we would encourage others to help us spread the word – whether that’s saving the number or sharing it with others.”