A man caught drink driving on Christmas Eve has been banned from driving.

Daniel Saggers, 44, of Crest Drive, Fenstanton, was driving a Mercedes van when he was seen swerving across Houghton Road in St Ives on December 24.

The 44-year-old blew 62 at the roadside, almost twice the legal limit of 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath. He went on to give an evidential reading of 49 in custody.

At Huntingdon Magistrates’ Court, Saggers was disqualified from driving for a year after pleading guilty to drink driving. He was also fined £440.

PC Simon Taylor said: “There is no excuse for drink driving, Saggers was putting himself and others at risk by getting behind the wheel.”

Members of the public can use the confidential hotline to report anyone suspected of drink or drug driving on 0800 032 0845.