We are working on car trap solutions 

Readers should be aware that the car trap problems are under almost constant consideration.

In fact, the last actions by Cambridgeshire County Council were the result of lobbying by the chair of the St Ives  District Road Safety Committee and further sensible cost-effective measures are being considered.

There has been a theory that too many drivers are driving too closely behind buses to observe any of the signs that exist to deter drivers.

However I have been sitting at the location observing driving habits and, so far, have not seen anything to substantiate the theory.

I recently spoke to a victim who said she was not following a bus.

Currently I am checking on a suggestion from at least two people that a partial block across the road could stop cars but not buses who could straddle it.

A Stagecoach employee has told me that the ground clearance of the buses is between six and eight inches depending on the type of bus.

My next step is to seek the assistance of Loughborough University to find out if a five-inch barrier would be sufficient to stop most cars.

SUV's and the like have higher ground clearance but I have yet to see one approaching the end of Station Road.

Cambridge City Council have resorted to using number plate cameras  and a fine to deter motorists. That would mean filling in the traps, which I fear might result in more accidents on the A1096. I have seen several cyclists have close shaves.

Colin Saunderson

Acting secretary, St Ives & District Road Safety Committee


Nothing confusing about the car trap!

Your article and a reader's letter about the car trap ordeal amazes me.

The 'no entry' sign and the words 'Guided Buses Only' are visually obvious and have only one meaning. There is absolutely nothing confusing about either.

As there is only one entrance to the cattle market car park it is difficult to understand how anyone managed to exit into Market Street, enter the one-way system heading towards the A1096 that was only yards away, when they turned right, across the incoming traffic, to re-enter the car park again.

Could they not see the roundabout ahead that would take them onto Harrison Way and not back to where they had just come from?

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St Ives Neighbourhood Plan consultation underway

St Ives Town Council agreed at its meeting on October 11, that they are happy for the draft St Ives Neighbourhood Plan (NP) to proceed to the next stage. This is the Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation.

The consultation will run for seven weeks between Monday, October 16 and Friday, December 1. 

The town council also agreed at the meeting to fund a leaflet to be delivered to all homes in the town to help promote the consultation.

The draft NP has policies that protect the north of the town from new development, enhance green spaces, support better walking and cycling routes and sets out criteria for future changes in the town centre in response to the HDC Vision Document issued last year.

This is an opportunity for the public and businesses to have their say on the proposals before the plan is submitted to HDC for the final stages of the process.

Once the report is completed it is put to a local referendum and if supported becomes part of local planning rules that developers have to comply with.

Copies of the NP and supporting documents will be on the town council's website:


There will also be paper copies available at the town hall and library.

There will be a stall at the St Ives Farmers Market on Saturday (October 21) and on November 18 for the public to talk to the NP team about the plans.

The NP will also be discussed at the St Ives Civic Society meeting at the Free Church, in St Ives, on Friday, October 20, starting at 7.30pm Non members of the civic society are welcome to attend the meeting.

Any comments should be sent by e-mail to np@stivestowncouncil.gov.uk or by post to the town hall by December 1. Comment forms are on the website or paper copies are available at the town hall and St Ives Library.

Nick Dibben

Chair St Ives Neighbourhood Plan Working Group