The Refill Shop of Ikigai in St Ives has handed over £160 to the Magpas Air Ambulance.

The money, raised by the shop's generous customers' through loyalty card donations, was collected over eight months.

Martin Cooper, owner of the shop, said: "Magpas Air Ambulance is a great charity, whose services we all may need one day, and this is our small way of saying 'thank you for all they do'.

"At a time when the cost of living is at a high, we are delighted with our customer's generosity in supporting the charity."

Magpas Air Ambulance does not receive any government funding and relies on charity donations to operate.

Annette Ablewhite, from Magpas said: "‘I would like to say 'thank you' to the wonderful supporters.

"As a charity funded by donations, we couldn’t work around the clock to keep patients across the East of England safe, without your invaluable support.

"With you, we really do save lives. Thank you."

Operating 24/7, the charity answers an average of four calls for help a day, treating around 900 patients in life-threatening emergencies every year.