Bus company Stagecoach has increased its fares for the majority of services.

On Sunday, prices went up in the areas covered by Stagecoach East, which includes Huntingdonshire.

The increases fluctuate, depending on the type of ticket, but a day ticket on the guided busway between Huntingdon and Cambridge will set customers back £6.20, up from £6.

A spokesman for Stagecoach East said: “Our prices have changed from March 30, but the boundaries for the ticket types remain the same.

“The East Megarider Gold ticket is the most suitable for customers who wish to cross over county boundaries and use our services, including the X5 and other routes within the south of England.

“We have also frozen the price of our weekly Smartcard tickets for regular customers.”

INFORMATION: For more ­information about ticket prices, contact Stagecoach Cambridge on 01223 433250 or Stagecoach Bedford on 01234 220030. Alternatively, visit www.stagecoachbus.com.