On the day that was meant to see all remaining coronavirus restrictions removed - we asked Hunts Post readers what they thought about “Freedom Day” being postponed.

In our latest Facebook poll – posted on June 21 – we asked readers how they were feeling on the date that had been talked about for so long.

July 19 is now when it is hoped restrictions will be lifted.

It comes as Boris Johnson announced that Step 4 was to be postponed over concerns about the new variant, first identified in India, that had spread rapidly throughout May.

Readers were keen to share their thoughts on restrictions – with a mixed selection of responses.

Jamie Mayville said: “A lot of people complaining but it makes no difference to 95 per cent of people.

“Can still eat out and go shops, see family and friends, go to some events if you really want to.

“I am actually glad shops and restaurants are more spaced out now and we aren't all scrambling for space.”

Shez George said: “If people would have followed the rules it would have taken place I guess.”

Stuart Buckminster said: “Better to be safe than take us right back to where we started.

"Yes some will be frustrated and still an impact on some businesses, but to have everything all shut down again would be devastating.”

Samson M Feeney said: “I feel that the very fact of calling it ‘Freedom Day’ shows an utter ignorance of the reality of a global pandemic still raging across the world involving a novel virus still in the early days of mutating.”

Michelle Berrill added: “We all knew it was never going to happen!”

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the data is "looking encouraging" for July reopening in England.

"I hope that we can take the steps on July 19, that are pencilled in for then, because the data is looking encouraging," he said.

"We are also looking to see how we can replace the protections that are currently there with the restrictions with protections that come from the vaccine, with respect to international travel as well.”