Members and friends of Berkley Street Methodist Church in St Neots planted a tree last weekend as part of the Queen's Jubilee celebrations, which are now well underway.

Judith Johnson, who helps to look after the gardens, organised planting a tree as part of the Queens Green Canopy (QGC) initiative as something for the church and everyone to get behind.

The QGC invites people across the United Kingdom to plant a tree for the jubilee, celebrating the Queen.

After some planning, Judith and friends got digging and planted an Amelanchier tree on March 26 in the sunshine.

Judith said: ”It has pretty flowers in the spring, attractive foliage throughout the summer and into the autumn and has berries which attract the birds, so it’s got something for every season.”

With help and sponsorship from the church, Judith plans on adding a scented area for members, with seats and benches, allowing them to reflect and enjoy the small garden.