New trees in Priory Park, St Neots, have been planted as part of Huntingdonshire District Council's (HDC) community tree planting event for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Volunteers and residents were invited to 'plant a tree for the jubilee' on March 26 and help plant more than 400 tree whips.

The council provided all attendees with a spade and provided planting guidance and a demonstration on the day.

A spokesperson on HDC's social media said: "We had a great turnout on Saturday for our Community Tree Planting event in Priory Park.

"Volunteers of all ages, joined us to plant a tree for the jubilee as part of the Queen's Green Canopy initiative.

"Helping towards our vision for managing trees sustainably within the district to ensure their benefits are experienced by current and future generations."

The event also formed part of HDC's 10-year tree strategy, which will help to raise awareness of the importance of trees.