This wonderful adventure yarn set on an ocean liner in 1910 is filled with period detail and a really enjoyable read for the nine to 12 age range.

Our heroine, Patch runs up the gangway of steamship, RMS Glorious, planning to avoid the police constable she has slipped away from.

Too late, however, she realises the ship is setting sail, it seems that Patch has become an accidental stowaway. Luckily this amazing turn of events does not phase fearless Patch who begins to explore the ship and soon makes friends both high and low amongst the passengers.

However, as the journey continues it becomes harder for our dauntless heroine to remain hidden particularly as some of her new friends become involved in a mystery that only Patch can help with.

Fast paced and with an intricate mystery to solve this book is well worth a read for all those who love adventures at sea.