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Death Notice


Published on 13/08/2024

ROSA RUGGIERO Sadly passed away on Tuesday, 30th July 2024, aged 92 years. Much loved and cherished Mum to Tina and Filip, Alfie and Gillian, Angela and Colin. A loving Nan to Michael, Antonia, Sarah-Jane, Sophie, Carmine, Laura and David. A wonderful Great Grandmother to Olivia, Margot and Luca. Much loved by Aaron, Luke, Nathan and Marc. Never out of our hearts and minds. "We will love you forever". Rosa will be sadly missed by all her family, friends and everyone who knew her. The funeral service will take place at St Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church on Thursday 29th August 2024, at 11 a.m. Followed by burial in North Street Cemetery. Family flowers only please, but donations in memory of Rosa may be made to The Lewy Body Society.


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janet holmes August 15th, 2024
I remember this lady with great fondness when l used to go round for tea she always made me welcome , it was many years ago but you are in my thoughts. ( Janet Mueller)