MY husband and I live in Cowper Road, Huntingdon. We have been answering any mail that has come to us and signing all the petitions that have come round in favour of residential parking in our area, including the petition against them selling any permits

MY husband and I live in Cowper Road, Huntingdon.

We have been answering any mail that has come to us and signing all the petitions that have come round in favour of residential parking in our area, including the petition against them selling any permits not bought by the residents to businesses in town for their staff.

The next we knew was the posters on the street lights, and the way we read these was that, if you objected to the residents' parking going ahead, you were to make your objections known.

As we are for the residents' parking, we did nothing, which we thought was the correct thing to do.

Now having read your article (June 7) we are angry at the fact that the council seems to have made the decision without the residents being aware a decision had been made.

Some of us are not fortunate enough to have driveways to put our cars into. Those who do, do not do so because there is a good chance the drive will be blocked by a car that does not belong to a resident.

I see this a lot on my way to work in the mornings. I watch people parking their cars and walk to work, and they don't care if they are blocking someone's drive.

How would they like it if we did it to them?

Yes, some of us were a bit angry when we found out that just because we have a permit does not mean we can automatically park in our street.

But so long as we know that the only cars in the street belong to people in the street, then that is fine.

Or even if they have a relative in the street and are visiting on a visitor's permit that is not so bad. We at least know they will be going home.

We feel the council have sold us out. If they put yellow lines up the street and we do not have driveways, where are we supposed to park?

JACKIE NICHOLLS, Cowper Road, Huntingdon