I WOULD like to say that all volunteers need to be thanked – no one person can do without many others helping (The Hunts Post, March 28). I have been volunteering in Hinchingbrooke Hospital for only 10 years whereas some have been there since the hospita

I WOULD like to say that all volunteers need to be thanked - no one person can do without many others helping (The Hunts Post, March 28).

I have been volunteering in Hinchingbrooke Hospital for only 10 years whereas some have been there since the hospital opened in 1983 and even in the old hospital.

I speak on behalf of the Red Cross shop, which is run totally by volunteers who have raised a lot of money for hospital equipment and helped a great many people, including through the sale of newspapers around the wards early in the morning.

The charity shop has also raised a considerable amount of money over the years. The WRVS runs the reception desk, the trolley service around the wards, teas in the clinics etc. There are also the St John's library service, the information centre, PALS, ward volunteers and so on - so many who have helped over the years. The hospital could not have managed without us.

I would not want to name any individual. They all deserve a great vote of thanks, along with all the many voluntary organisations and associations and many individuals. What would this country do without any of them?

PAT MASON, Provence Road, Huntingdon