BARRY Chapman (Letters, April 23) makes a long and winding argument against the decision of St Neots Town Council not to fly the flag of St George – the one with the red cross. A delve into history will show that, in the 11th century, the Crusaders – Chri

BARRY Chapman (Letters, April 23) makes a long and winding argument against the decision of St Neots Town Council not to fly the flag of St George - the one with the red cross.

A delve into history will show that, in the 11th century, the Crusaders - Christian soldiers led by Richard the Lionheart - travelled into the Holy Lands to re-establish Christianity and to fight and kill Muslim armies in that area - a holy war.

The Crusaders bore the red-cross-on-white flag, the "English" flag that Mr Chapman says should be flown with pride.

Because of those events so far back, some people still feel the St George flag could be offensive to some sections of Britain's community. That's why it has been muted.


Elstow Road
