WITH sadness, I have read (The Hunts Post, August 30) of the Ramsey bikers tribute to Malcolm Anderson, their sunshine guy , who tragically died in a road accident at the junction near the Windmill pub on the St Ives road leading into Somersham. This is

WITH sadness, I have read (The Hunts Post, August 30) of the Ramsey bikers' tribute to Malcolm Anderson, their "sunshine guy", who tragically died in a road accident at the junction near the Windmill pub on the St Ives road leading into Somersham.

This is an acute danger spot, as is another junction further on towards St Ives, the Bluntisham Heath crossroads.

At both these danger spots the Highways Agency should urgently consider a revision of the statutory road signs which seem to lack practical command, such as the one word "Stop".

TIM KEAN, St Ives Road, Somersham