PLANS to reduce accidents in St Neots town centre and to provide a cycle route from the Priory to the railway station are expected to get the go-ahead on Monday. There was overwhelming public support for all the proposals, except traffic calming measure

PLANS to reduce accidents in St Neots town centre and to provide a cycle route from the Priory to the railway station are expected to get the go-ahead on Monday.

There was overwhelming public support for all the proposals, except traffic calming measures in Huntingdon Street, where residents were equally divided.

Huntingdonshire's traffic management committee is likely to approve the scheme, which includes cameras to monitor vehicles running red traffic lights at Huntingdon Street and Cambridge Street at "The Cross". The junction was to have been fully protected, but the four cameras planned proved too expensive.

Raised platforms are planned for High Street pelican crossings, with a 20mph speed limit imposed.

Other traffic calming measures will be installed in New Street and Huntingdon Street.

Eighty-five per cent of consultees who responded supported the committee choice of cycle route to the station.