I FELT compelled to respond to Councillor Dutton s letter (July 1) because of the number of e-mails, letters and people stopping me in the street expressing their utter disgust and dismay at his despicable reaction. Securing the safety improvements on the

I FELT compelled to respond to Councillor Dutton's letter (July 1) because of the number of e-mails, letters and people stopping me in the street expressing their utter disgust and dismay at his despicable reaction.

Securing the safety improvements on the A141, getting the funding from the county, district and town councils was a collective effort by all those involved. It shows how a community pulls together when there is injustice, and how the people of Huntingdon and surrounding areas backed the Warren Hay Road Safety Action Group because they knew something would be done.

We were not giving lip service. Our intentions are genuine, and we are doing this for the right reasons, the safety of our children, not gaining brownie points.

Cllr Dutton sets out, at tedious length, the actions he claims he took regarding the creation of the crossing. Apparently, he is on record in 1999, 2003 and 2004 requesting traffic lights.

If he had been as forceful then as he attempts to portray now, responding so vigorously, maybe something would already be in place and my beautiful boy would still be with us.

What really upsets me, however, is that in his election material Cllr Dutton refers to "our campaign" and he writes that he "is grateful to all those who have helped us". Many of your readers will understand that, while one meaning of OBE is to do with medals rightly earned, others understand it to mean Other Blighters' Efforts.

By seeking to claim responsibility for the results of a great community effort, sustained by continuing press coverage, Cllr Dutton demeans all the work of the wider community.


Robin Terrace
