WHILE I do not believe that we should take orders from Brussels, I do believe metrication – counting in tens – is the commonsense measuring system and I am astonished that an association exists to keep us in the past (Letters, May 10). Way back in 1971,

WHILE I do not believe that we should take orders from Brussels, I do believe metrication - "counting in tens" - is the commonsense measuring system and I am astonished that an association exists to keep us in the past (Letters, May 10).

Way back in 1971, decimilisation took over in the UK. Then we seemed to grind to a halt with updating measure systems. My schooldays were in the 1970s and early 80s in Huntingdon, and even then we were taught metric units. School races were always in metres, and cooking and mathematics used the kilogramme.

When I see road signs today saying that I need to be aware of something so many yards ahead, it means nothing to me and I cannot gauge the distance (although I know it is shorter). Why not have kilometres on our road signs? Petrol is sold in litres. (I can only just remember the gallon).

If in a vote, however, most people choose the old illogical measures, I would accept the majority decision but, most important, please can we have one system and end decades of dual systems and confusion?


Ennerdale Close
