I CAN assure you, David Cumbers (Letters, June 28), when the smoking ban comes in, they will make a point of fining smokers for butts, crisp packets, dumped black bags, eyesore rubbish no-one seems to worry about now, discarded beer cans, smashed beer bot

I CAN assure you, David Cumbers (Letters, June 28), when the smoking ban comes in, they will make a point of fining smokers for butts, crisp packets, dumped black bags, eyesore rubbish no-one seems to worry about now, discarded beer cans, smashed beer bottles etc.

That is what is happening in Scotland. It will be the same here.

The fact is that we are not up to our kneecaps with butts. I assume they must break down eventually. How long do dumped bags take?

MANDY VINCENT, Rushes Walk, Godmanchester