Ian Ford is sector inspector of the Huntingdon area for Cambridgeshire Police. He will be giving weekly updates on activities in and around the town.

Let’s start this latest update with some really good news.

Overall crime figures for Huntingdonshire district (Huntingdon, St.Ives and St. Neots combined) are currently down by 287 crimes compared to the same period last year. This means that there have been substantially fewer victims of crime.

This is a real success so far, although we realise it will be a real challenge to sustain this level of reduction, requiring Cambridgeshire Constabulary and our partners to continue to target those people who are causing most harm to our community.

I noted with interest this week the debate regarding some areas of Cambridgeshire suffering ‘prejudice’ just because of its name and geographical location.

One such area mentioned in the debate was the Oxmoor district of Huntingdon. Having been the Sector Inspector for this area for the past two and a half years, this is most definitely not my view. The area has a really positive community with some excellent engagement projects and events in place.

Returning to crime prevention, on June 8, a theft occurred at Tesco in Abbots Ripton Road.

The incident is unusual in that the victims were distracted, whilst loading their shopping, by three people asking for directions.

Whilst the driver and his wife were being distracted the third suspect entered their car and removed property from within. The suspects were described as having ‘Eastern European’ accents and asked for directions to a local gym club.

This is a similar type of crime to others which have occurred across the county in recent months, which are possibly being committed by the same gang.

Shoppers should be wary of this type of distraction and do not leave property on show in an unlocked vehicle. Suspicious behaviour or relevant information can be reported to Cambridgeshire Police on 0345 456 456 4 or the emergency number, when appropriate.

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