ISN T it time that there was a national plan for freight? Freight transport is one of the few major areas of the UK economy for which there is no such plan. No framework for decision making. No long-term goals or targets. Odd this, bearing in mind almost

ISN'T it time that there was a national plan for freight?

Freight transport is one of the few major areas of the UK economy for which there is no such plan. No framework for decision making. No long-term goals or targets.

Odd this, bearing in mind almost everything we use or consume every day is the product of a freight movement, mostly by lorry. We all depend on freight transport, both at work and at home.

And yet most of the public debate concerns the movement of people. There is too little positive thinking on issues like the size and weight of lorries, shortage of drivers, congestion, access to ports, lorry access in town centres and rail freight.

Let's take freight seriously.


Freight Transport Association

Tunbridge Wells