JONATHAN Djanogly [MP for Huntingdon] has voted to pass through the Health and Social Care Bill without waiting for the publication of the transitional risk register (outlining the likely dangers expected to the NHS through these reforms).

Such a cavalier approach to a Bill that would fundamentally change and endanger an institution of British democracy such as the NHS and that has such strong opposition from healthcare professionals and the public alike is unacceptable.

This Bill did not feature in either governing party manifesto, nor in the coalition agreement. In fact, the Prime Minister promised before the election that the NHS was safe in his hands, stating categorically there would be no “top-down reorganisation of the NHS”.

The immediate effect will be growing waiting lists and intensifying postcode lotteries; but this is just the first step towards an Americanised healthcare system, which is run for profit, at a devastating cost to those people who inevitably will not be able to afford the care they need.


