HAVING resigned from Godmanchester Town Council recently because of its political arrogance, I am disgusted to learn that the ex-mayor who resigned after spending his entire 12-month mayoral budget in just nine months is applying to come back to the council.

No doubt this will be welcomed by the majority of the councillors who are Liberal supporters who want him back in the fold.

It was less than 18 months ago that he walked away from the highest honour Godmanchester can offer as the number one citizen, stating publicly that he was tired and his decision was nothing to do with politics.

What a lot of rubbish, as he had already been selected as the Lib Dem candidate in the district council elections held a few months later. He even had the liberty of organising a petition to re-open the toilets in Godmanchester – the very ones he had previously authorised the town council not to accept responsibility for.

Let us not forget the private meeting he held over Judith’s Field with the owners where he used his position to gag all the other town councillors from speaking at the public meeting.

I have watched time and again when there has been a vacancy for the Town Council the Lib Dems manoeuvre for additional candidates.

I resigned hoping that it would give a chance for a new face to appear on the council, not an old one return.

If a person resigns their seat at the town council, an election can be called within 14 days. Most genuine non-political people wishing to offer their services are not aware of this and put their names forward only to find that, after the 14 days elapse, the town council suddenly finds it has another candidate. I have seen this happen many times.

The last occasion Mr Coxhead offered his services only to find that Mrs Wilson, wife of the Lib Dem county councillor, was a late entry for the position.

This time there are three vacancies and, surprise, surprise, a late entry from Mr Cohen, making four candidates, and it is too late to call an election and ask the good people of Godmanchester who they want on their town council.

As I said in my opening paragraph I am disgusted that such manipulation goes on under our very noses for a supposedly non-political council. I suppose that when Mr Cohen gets elected, he will not be too tired, as he will have to serve only a few months, as full town council elections take place in May 2012.

While on the subject of 2012, this is Godmanchester’s 800-year celebrations and the town have an excellent group of local people organising the events. Despite the fact that the town council who organised the group decided they wanted to charge the group for the use of the QE School room to hold their meetings.

I suppose I will have to look forward to a Lib Dem Mayor of Godmanchester and his colleagues on the town council claiming that they have done all the work for the celebrations.


