I HAVE a quotation for the Rev Foster (Letters, April 23): Romans 12:16 – Be not wise in your own conceits . The data used by Rev Foster have been carefully (and dishonestly) selected to support his argument. In fact, the first year of the data was exce

I HAVE a quotation for the Rev Foster (Letters, April 23): Romans 12:16 - "Be not wise in your own conceits".

The data used by Rev Foster have been carefully (and dishonestly) selected to support his argument. In fact, the first year of the data was "exceptional" to quote the Met Office (which probably does know what it is talking about). Again to quote the Met Office: "1998 saw an exceptional El Niño event, which contributed strongly to that record-breaking year."

Using 1998 for the first year gives support to the saying "there are lies, damned lies and statistics". It has as much scientific weight as stating that because the UK cooled between August 2007 and January 2008, an ice age is imminent. A much longer term view is required to make meaningful assertions about the future. Selecting data to support an argument has no basis in science.

The Met Office has a very interesting set of web pages outlining the facts behind climate change, which can be found at www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporate/pressoffice/myths.

I urge your readers who believe the assertions of the Rev. Foster to read the pages carefully.


Park View

Great Stukeley