IN response to Dr Tim Sparks (The Hunts Post, April 30), no one denies that climate changes. But to call anyone with a desire to see accurate science reporting (something his illustrious predecessor at Monks Wood, Prof Kenneth Mellanby, whom I was privile

IN response to Dr Tim Sparks (The Hunts Post, April 30), no one denies that climate changes. But to call anyone with a desire to see accurate science reporting (something his illustrious predecessor at Monks Wood, Prof Kenneth Mellanby, whom I was privileged to know, would have expected to see) a "climate change denier" is shabby abuse.

Dr Sparks merely parrots the scary predictions of the greenhouse hypothesis:

rapid sea-level rises, global temperatures increasing by 6°C, increasing storms and droughts etc. But many climate scientists do not accept this hypothesis any more.

Dr David Evans, once of the Australian Government Greenhouse Office and the developer of FullCAM, said in June 2007: "There is now no observational evidence to support the notion that global warming is caused by carbon emissions. None... even after 20 years of intense investigation costing $50 billion..."

But many scientists are too scared to speak out: they have jobs to keep. Political correctness, exemplified by references to "climate change deniers", makes fear win against truth.

Richard S Lindzen, Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT states: "... the impact of man [on the climate] remains indiscernible simply because the signal is too small compared to the natural noise... That the promotion of alarm does not follow from the science is clearly illustrated by the following example.

"Dynamic meteorology tells us that in a warmer world, extra-tropical storminess and weather variability will actually decrease... In a warmer world, we would expect that the temperature difference between high and low latitudes would diminish... because this difference is what gives rise to extra-tropical large-scale weather disturbances...

Nevertheless, we are told ... that exactly the opposite is the case...

"Clearly more storms and greater extremes are regarded as more alarming than the opposite." (

Sea level rise has remained steady at about six inches per century. The south of England is sinking, unconnected with climate change. The ice caps have been melting for the last 10,000 years.

It has been much warmer in recent past. The Mediaeval Warm Period (from about 900-1300) was a time of material riches and population growth. Today's temperatures are 3-4°C lower.

Dr Sparks mentions heat deaths, but cold currently kills ten times as many elderly people in Europe.

And now the "warmists", to cover their backs, say that global cooling may continue for 10 more years - contrary to all their computer model predictions. Still, that means they keep their grants for 10 more years, as "cooling is the new warming".



Hemingford Abbots