OUR MP Jonathon Djanjogly seeks to justify his actions in respect of the expenses saga on the basis that he is part of a flawed system. This implies that he is in fact a victim of the procedure whereas, like his colleagues, he did very nicely from that sy

OUR MP Jonathon Djanjogly seeks to justify his actions in respect of the expenses saga on the basis that he is part of a flawed system. This implies that he is in fact a victim of the procedure whereas, like his colleagues, he did very nicely from that system. In fact it is his constituents who are the victims of the system.

He has been an MP for eight years, and we are given some expenses information in respect of this last year. What about the earlier years? Is he going to reimburse us for any of the expenses claimed prior to this final year?

Many of his constituents have to survive on much less than the figures he claimed for the various services carried out at the taxpayers' expense. No one forced any of the MPs to claim these outlandish amounts and it is only as a result of the introduction of the Freedom of Information Act that we have been given an insight to what our elected, and in the case of the Lords, unelected, representatives have been up to.

We now have the spectacle of the various parties seeking to outdo one another in their efforts to get clean. These are the same people who tried very hard to stop all this information coming into the public domain.

I note from press reports that our MP is far from being among the worst in this sorry saga, but he did manage to get on the gravy train. I wait with interest to find out how much he, and his colleagues, have been earning from outside sources too.

There are calls for an early general election from some quarters. I would rather that we get these new rules published on what an MP can and cannot claim, and details of their outside earnings before we go down that road.

It is only fair that any new would-be MPs know exactly what their new terms and conditions of employment are before they stand for election.


Claytons Way
