GRAFHAM Parish Council offers its full support to the campaign by Diddington residents for a safer A1 at the entrance/exit to their village.

Anyone who has tried to join the A1 south or leave the A1 north for Diddington will be fully aware that these manoeuvres can be very dangerous. Traffic at these points can travel at 70mph. There is a bus stop here just off a 70mph carriageway – is that sensible or safe?

The 50mph speed limit finishes south at the Stirtloe turn-off having come through the Brampton and Buckden slip roads. Why it doesn’t continue to after the Diddington slip road is a mystery. It cannot be right that the number of accidents, including fatalities, has no effect and that the Highways Agency is allowed to continue in its usual, eyes-closed way to imagine that everything is ok here.

If they cannot see that this is a dangerous place that needs some attention, what hope for the rest of us when we need some safety improvements?

Good luck with this one Diddington. Let’s hope no more of your villagers are hurt or killed on this stretch of road.



Grafham Parish Council