ON Easter Monday I walked from my home into St Ives town centre and was quite disgusted with what littered the streets. In Ramsey Road there were various fast food boxes with chips, kebab/burger remains and sauce all spilling out, then a bit further along

ON Easter Monday I walked from my home into St Ives town centre and was quite disgusted with what littered the streets.

In Ramsey Road there were various fast food boxes with chips, kebab/burger remains and sauce all spilling out, then a bit further along there were other items of food and drink.

As Ramsey Road joins The Waits, quite a few of the plants had been pulled out and were either on the pavement or sitting on people's windowsills, then again more remains of fast food etc. Outside The Lounge were hundreds of cigarette ends all over the path, steps and roadway.

As I continued walking, there were more and more fast food boxes and, outside Genesis and the travel agents, there was a large blood stain on the path, with further blood droplets leading back up Bridge Street towards one of the shop entrances, where there were even more blood stains.

With regards to the fast food litter, shouldn't the fast food outlets be made to go around the town and clear up the rubbish?

As for the cigarette butts outside The Lounge, again shouldn't they be made to clear this up?

What visitors to St Ives must think, I really don't know.


St Audrey Lane

St Ives