IT was interesting to read your ill-informed and inaccurate article (September 5) regarding the illegal travellers site at Brington. As a local resident, I have nothing but praise for Hunts DC s speedy and effective handling of a clear breach of planning

IT was interesting to read your ill-informed and inaccurate article (September 5) regarding the illegal travellers' site at Brington.

As a local resident, I have nothing but praise for Hunts DC's speedy and effective handling of a clear breach of planning laws, to which we are all subject.

If your reporter had taken the time and trouble to attend various High Court hearings she would have learned that:

n The court found, after hearing evidence from the travellers, and after submissions from their legal representatives, the travellers were in clear breach of planning laws by moving onto the site and laying hardcore.

n The travellers accepted, in written statements they made to the court through their legal representatives, that they were in breach of the court order requiring them to rectify the breaches of planning law and that they were therefore in clear contempt of the High Court order.

n The judge deferred sentence for this breach of the injunction until September 10 (not September 17) to allow the travellers another opportunity to remedy the breach. It is obviously to their credit that they now appear to have done so by moving off the site.

n As explained to the court at the hearing on August 31 (and apparently accepted by the travellers), no valid planning application has in fact been made by or on behalf of the travellers, contrary to the suggestion in the article.

I would be grateful if you would correct the misleading impression given in the article and record local appreciation for the steps taken by HDC to enforce the law.

IAN DICKSON, School Lane, Bythorn