MAYBE Karen Lunn (Cambridgeshire County Council s highway engineer) should drive around the Priory Road area after 6pm. Then it would be obvious to her how many workers and shoppers use our streets as a free car park. All that most residents want to do i

MAYBE Karen Lunn (Cambridgeshire County Council's highway engineer) should drive around the Priory Road area after 6pm.

Then it would be obvious to her how many workers and shoppers use our streets as a free car park. All that most residents want to do is to park near their homes.

As for her comment "We can't let people park willy-nilly", that is exactly what is happening now without any consideration for the safety or quality of life of the residents.

As for adding more yellow lines, the residents will find it even harder to park when they return home.

ARLENE THURGOOD, Priory Road, Huntingdon