I AM really impressed and grateful for the excellent service I have received on several occasions through the breast clinic at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. The staff are particularly kind and very skilled. The speed of service from my initial doctor s visit t

I AM really impressed and grateful for the excellent service I have received on several occasions through the breast clinic at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. The staff are particularly kind and very skilled.

The speed of service from my initial doctor's visit to seeing a consultant has been very fast indeed - once taking only four days from the start to receiving a diagnosis.

Most women are extremely anxious when they discover a lump in their breast and need to receive a diagnosis as quickly as possible. It is a huge comfort to have such a local, friendly and professional service available to us. It is the very best of what we could hope of a public health service.

Consequently, I was astonished to hear that the breast clinic is under threat of closure. I cannot over-emphasise how great a loss this would be to all local women and what a great waste of an excellent, well-established local service this would be.

Please could I urge anyone concerned with this threat to make their views known to the chief executive of Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Douglas Pattisson, and the primary care trust.


Church Lane
